Healing Journey - The Power of Connection & Nature | Cinque Terre | Italy | 6 days

Deiva Marina, Italien
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"A Magical Journey to our best Self and a fulfilling Life. Experiencing Nature, Connection, Trust & Belonging. Simply inspiring, touching, heart - opening, transformative & healing."

Das Retreat im Überblick

Die wichtigsten Fakten kurz und knapp:

Natururlaub, Selbstfindung, Resilienztraining, Bewusstsein, Seele, Sinne & Geist, Stille Retreat, Meditation, Achtsamkeit, Aktivurlaub, Adventure, Trekking, Wandern, Kommunikation, Detox Retreats, Kreativurlaub
Di, 24.09.2024 - Mo, 30.09.2024
Deiva Marina, Italien
Inklusive Übernachtung
Keine Verpflegung

2 daily micro doses of Amanita Muscaria

train tickets


Event Facilitation & Guidance

Entrance fee Cinque Terre Sentiero Azzurro


We will stay on a beautiful camping site in a foresty area under trees which we will most probably have completely on our own.

Camping equipment available for rent
Sleeping bag (5 days): 8 euros
Iso mat (5 days): 8 euros
Tent (5 days): 15 euros


Please bring some food for the first day. There will be the opportunity to buy food in a nearby convenience store. For dinner we will usually go to a restaurant.


"A Magical Journey to our best Self and a fulfilling Life. Experiencing Nature, Connection, Trust & Belonging. Simply inspiring. touching. heart-opening, transformative & healing."

What we will do and what will happen

Together we will create a safe space where connection, trust and a sense of belonging is our highest aim. When we feel safe and connected in a trustworthy environment our nervous system can calm down and access all its healing potential. Like that important parts of our personality can be set free. Hidden gifts and talents that are essential to walking our very own path and living an easy-going, light-hearted and purposeful life.

In a safe space and good company we will embark on a journey out of what keeps us from living a joyful life and into what leads us to it. We will spend time walking in nature in and around the Cinque Terre villages and also do a lot of activities on site.

Periods of silence and introspection will alternate with moments of great togetherness. We will dive into a new way of communication that creates space for each of us to become our best self and connect with our potential.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and spending a transformative and magical time together.


Please try to bring some food for the first day. There will be the opportunity to buy food in a nearby convenience store. For dinner we will usually go to a restaurant.


Please get in touch if you'd like to join my car for price and about pick up possibility. If you arrive by public transport you will need a seat in a car to get to Cinque Terre after the activities.


Duration 6 days
Arrival Thursday 28.03.2024 at the camping site
Departure Tuesday 02.04.2024 from the camping site
Meeting point Camping site
Target group Adults
Participants Max. 16
Event fee 499 euros, Please get in touch if you need to keep track of your finances for a discount!
Accommodation Camping site
Event facilitation        Oliver
Places to visit Cinque Terre
Activities Nature Experience, activities to create connection, compassionate listening, circling

● Event Facilitation and Guidance
● Accommodation
● An optional micro dose of 0,3 grams of Amanita Muscaria in the morning and the evening
● Train tickets for transport between the Cinque Terre villages


Thursday, March 28, 2024

We will meet at the camping site from 19:00. There will be no program apart from arriving and accommodating ourselves.

Friday, March 29, 2024 - Monday, April 1, 2024

Different activities at the camping site and visit to the Cinque Terre area with walks up to 10 km per day.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

End Circle and departure
1. Packing our stuff
2. End circle
3. Departure back home


We will meet at the camping site.

, 19013 Deiva Marina, Ligurien, Italien


Kostenlose Stornierung

Volle Rückerstattung für Stornierungen, wenn das Check-in-Datum noch mindestens 30 Tage in der Zukunft liegt.

Teilweise Rückerstattung

50% Rückerstattung für Stornierungen, die mindestens 10 Tage vor dem Check-in erfolgen.


ab €569 / 7 Tage

Zur Buchung

ab €569 / 7 Tage

Du musst noch nichts bezahlen.


Dieses Retreat wird auf keiner anderen Plattform billiger angeboten.

Weitere Angebote

Alles zu Natururlaub ansehen